Design the work. Create the life.
Society Blue is a diverse community of high achieving female executives who recognize that success is long-term, holistic, and transcends professional milestones. We are dedicated to helping our members evolve as both leaders and individuals by nurturing growth, fostering genuine connections, and igniting passions - while maintaining an environment of privacy.
Our purpose is to help you create the life you desire.
Membership includes a tailored assessment to clarify your personal and professional vision and plan, as well as meaningful connection to other high-ranking female executives, all on a path towards a more purposeful journey. Members also receive access to a portfolio of personal and professional services to support them along the way.
Holistic Life Assessment
+Comprehensive Evaluation
+Vision Artwork
+Personal Strategy Map
Exclusive Events
+Bluestockings Society Dinners
+Annual Blue Skies Retreat
Society Blue members receive access to additional a la carte services, including:
+Executive Coaching
+Personal Styling Services
+Health & Wellness Coaching
+Brand Voice Activation
+Personal Assistant Services
Base membership: $12,000 for the first year, discounted thereafter.
Extended membership benefits are priced per service.
Society Blue is an exclusive service of Bluestock Advisors, a woman-owned
strategic consulting firm based in Atlanta, GA.
To learn more, contact our Program Director Josie Nielson:
or use the contact form below